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Instagram Algorithm

How Does The Instagram Algorithm Work?

We explain everything you need to know about the Instagram algorithm and tips to appear first in the feed of your followers.

Instagram decided to stop sorting your feed chronologically, now “the order of photos and videos in your feed will be based on the likelihood that the content is yours, on your interactions with the person posting the post.”

The Instagram specialist algorithm classifies the content based on the interest of your audience, that is, the interactions that your followers make with your publications: Likes, comments, video views, saved, forwarded, direct messages.


Instagram Stories has more than 400 million daily active users; users spend more time in Stories than in feed. The algorithm takes into account all the impressions you get on your Instagram stories, such as reactions or when your stories are sent. The more users engage, the more likely your posts will appear higher in the feed.


The Instagram algorithm rewards you for engaging with your followers, but the faster the better. Keep track of comments, especially during the first hour.

Creating conversations is one of the current premises of the algorithm. If the comment doesn’t require a response, leave a smiley or a like.

Ideal moment

You have to find your best time to post on Instagram, analyzing the audience in your account statistics can help you. The headers will be your key to the Instagram algorithm. 

The extra second someone spends reading your headline can be decisive. That’s why video and photo carousels work so well.

Accurate and relevant hashtags

It does not mean putting the largest number of hashtags in English. Use terms that are related to what you are publishing, in the language of the target audience you are looking for.

Instagram added the ability to subscribe to hashtags, so your posts can automatically appear in the feeds of potential new followers.

Do some research and create a list of relevant hashtags, one for each post, that don’t have millions of posts to be visible. The most used hashtags will give you likes from bots and few impressions, the hashtags of your sector with fewer publications, will give you likes from people and more impressions.


The Instagram algorithm fights bots and rewards live chats. Create content that includes questions, subscriber opinions, stickers, polls, etc. Instagram looks for highly participatory content in actions with your community. Creating more connections to the platform is your main goal.

Try all the features

First impressions count and the Instagram algorithm reward you for using all of its features. Instagram is updated regularly, it is important to keep track. By testing the new features, you increase the reach and visibility of your posts.

Quality before quantity

Better to make more elaborate publications with which users interact than many with a low level of interest. Don’t overwhelm your followers. Depending on the content you have and how many times your followers are willing to see you, you have to find a regular frequency of how many times you can post per day, week or month, further more information contact Goread, they will tell you what the best for you.

Nor can you be a time with many publications and then nothing. Better to go little by little, create an editorial calendar and work on it. Images get more likes than videos. Without Wi-Fi you are less likely to consume video.

Sign out of your account

Build relationships with your followers, like their photos, comments make them loyal. If you create highly interesting content for your community, you will have more options to impact more users. The more interactions Instagram understands that it is of high quality, with attractive content and that the more people will want to see it.


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